My Christening Bible

My Christening Bible (Catholic Edition)


Building the Kingdom in the Classroom: A School Chaplain's Diary

The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth

'The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth' explores the validity and necessity of theism and shows how God is the best explanation for the creation of the universe and objective moral values and duties.
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God has to exist because an infinite Necessary Being is logical. The universe has to have had a cause because whatever begins to exist has a cause. The only candidate for that cause is an eternal, disembodied, all-powerful Mind. Human consciousness has to be non-physical because chemistry and atoms cannot love, hate or ponder on the meaning of life. As for Truth: no sane person acts as if atheism were true. Without God, the self, reason, freedom of the will, good and evil are illusions. The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth explores the validity and necessity of theism and shows how God is the best explanation for the creation of the universe and objective moral values and duties.

Kenneth Francis is a freelance writer who holds an MA in Theology. For over 20 years, he worked in editing roles in various publications, as well as lecturing in media studies. He is currently co-writing a book which traces Old Testament texts to modern philosophical and theatrical works of profound pessimism.

'It is not easy to be profound without being ponderous, but Mr Francis has this gift. He does not shy away from difficult questions and has the courage to try to answer them forthrightly, without equivocation--another quality not very commonly encountered.'

Theodore Dalrymple

“Kenneth Francis's excellent book does an admirable job of arguing some of the key issues relating to belief and to human existence… Mr. Francis has tackled a mighty subject and done it handily in an approachable, entertaining, and enlightening way. Lincoln’s ‘Gettysburg Address,’ noted for its brevity, but remembered for its authoritative power, comes to mind. Sometimes, brevity is a benefit…Mr. Francis, a scholar of theology, allows his arguments to make the case rather than open with a mission statement.”

Daniel Mallock, New English Review

"I enjoyed reading this. Mr Francis packs a lot into such a short book! I hope it will stimulate people to think about these topics."

David Glass, PhD
Philosopher/physicist and author of Atheism's New Clothes

“This may be a ‘little book’ but it tackles some of the world’s most far-reaching questions. Does God exist? Did the Resurrection happen? Is there a hell? Francis’s answers are crisp, bold…He argues that theism is both valid and necessary, and that no sane person acts as if atheism were true. [This book] would also be a piquant gift for hardened atheist friends.”

The Catholic Herald

“Kenneth Francis has a way of suggesting much in a few broad strokes. In the detail of his examples, analogies and references, we can sense the clear sweep of his broader knowledge. His erudition allows him to achieve something that seems impossible: the summoning up of a coherent opening speech in the muchdelayed hearing of the case against Mr Friedrich Nietzsche, suspected not merely of announcing the death of God, but also likely a collaborator in His murder…The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth is a volume whose importance ought not be measured by its girth, but by the gift it contains of rendering accessible the arguments which, for all the pessimism of the present moment, still hold the power to divert western civilisation from its determined pelt towards self-destruction.”

Irish author John Waters

"Kenneth Francis’s book is a knowledgeable, accessible and encouraging short book on cosmology and philosophy. Highly recommended" 

Mary Kenny, The Irish Catholic

Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9781910365250
Dimensions 13 x 21 cm
Printed Pages 136
Format Paperback
Year Of Publication May 2017
Publisher St Pauls Publishing
Author Kenneth Francis
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