Recommended Books to Read during Lent 2023

Recommended Books to Read during Lent 2023

Recommended Books to Read during Lent 2023

Before Easter festivities, the season of Lent is one of introspection and preparation. Christians are supposed to be prepared for the fullness of life that the resurrection promises by going through this renewal of life as a disciple of Jesus.

During Lent, we pray to the Lord by studying the Bible, serve others by giving alms, and develop self-control by fasting. Your Lenten days can be more meditative and meaningful if you engage in daily spiritual readings.

We’ve selected a few Recommended Books to Read during Lent 2023. Let's have a look.

Lent with Evelyn Underhill

Evelyn Underhill died more than 50 years ago. Still, her devotional writings continue to guide people interested in learning more about the "inner life" of the mystical Christian tradition. These readings are intended to enhance Lenten observance by allowing the reader to follow Underhill's mental process.

While he was still a freshman at General Theological Seminary, the editor's encounter with Underhill's writings inspired him to pursue a thorough understanding of her works. As a result, he has expertly selected readings from these that are suitable for every day of Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Easter Eve, and that largely adhere to liturgical themes. Now again available in print, these selections were made to enhance Lenten devotion by enabling the reader to follow Underhill's thoughts from Ash Wednesday's spiritual inventory topic through Easter Saturday's joyful anticipation of God's final Gift.

Lent for Everyone: Mark Year B

N. T. Wright, a well-known biblical scholar and author, offers his translation of the Bible, a brief meditation, and a prayer for each day of the season to encourage readers to consider how the book relates to their lives today.

This third volume of a three-volume series that covers the three years of the Revised Common Lectionary is a Lent lectionary resource using Tom Wright's For Everyone Bible translation. The reading from the Gospel for the year and a reflection by Tom Wright are assigned for each day of Lent. Matthew Year A (the second volume) was a significant component of The Big Read 2011, and the book grew out of an effort to promote Lent reading in the diocese of Durham.

The Little Way of Lent: Meditations in the Spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux

Lent is not meant to foster morbid gloominess and debilitating self-loathing, but to thrust us into the heart of Divine love.—From the Introduction.

This book's daily Lenten meditations, which are all inspired by St. Thérèse's Little Way of Spiritual Childhood, will change you as well by assisting you in shifting your attention away from what you have done to displease God and towards what he has done to redeem you.

The Passion Readings for Three Voices: Jerusalem Bible Version

Presenting narratives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, this work is arranged for reading by three voices according to the traditional method in the liturgy.

The Gospel texts included in this perennially popular book, which is currently in its 29th printing, are taken from the renowned Jerusalem Bible, one of the first Bibles to be published in understandable, modern English.

The JB was praised as a marvel of textual precision and contemporary style that adhered as closely as possible to the original meaning of the ancient texts it was translated from.

These are recommended books for children:

Celebrating Lent – Picture Book

Children can learn about the holy season of Lent and how it serves as a time of preparation for Jesus' Resurrection on Easter Sunday through this book by famous author Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM, Conv.

Colouring Book About Lent

An innovative and entertaining method for kids to learn about  Jesus' Resurrection. With lovely colouring pages for them to colour, this colouring book describes the Lenten season in language that kids can comprehend.Michael Goode wrote the text, and Margaret A. Buono did the artwork.

Hoping these books help you to start your journey together as a community and with Jesus during lent.




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