Things You Can Do for Lent As a Family

Things You Can Do for Lent As a Family

Things You Can Do for Lent As a Family

Remembering Jesus' sacrifice enables us to be entirely set free, fully loved and forgiven, and fully welcomed into God's family for eternity. The season of Lent is a magnificent call to put aside distractions and concentrate our hearts on what matters most.

As a family, we should make sure that when we observe Lent, we not only focus on what we're giving up but also give God the glory and fill ourselves with God's love, truth, and presence in our lives.

To better understand the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert, you can even choose to take a day-by-day approach. If you determine that your family's spiritual development can benefit from engaging in a daily Lenten activity, a list of options can be helpful. But, of course, the most compatible with your family's values and religious beliefs are yours.

Maintain Daily Family Worship

Each day during Lent, your family can have devotion. In addition, you can decide to read the Bible together as a family for a specific time each day or evening, or you can choose to memorize a passage from the Bible every day.

Go To Church Together

Attending church as often as possible is a lovely Lenten activity to bring the family together. Parents should provide an example for their children by living a life based on love and faith. Togetherness at church is also an excellent opportunity to develop a community with other attendees, which may assist in creating a solid family foundation for your kids.

Do Art Lenten Activities

An art endeavour might be gratifying if your family is artistic. Lent-related projects are required. You may pick a verse from the Bible and ask each family member to produce art that exemplifies the verse's point.

Have A Daily Reading Time

It's crucial to hold daily family spiritual reading sessions. Several Lenten readings available at St. Paul's Catholic Store will benefit your family during this Lenten season, including Lent Readings for Kids, Religious Readings, and Books About Holy Week.

Give Up Screen Time

Despite how challenging it may appear, putting away your screen can help you focuses on healthier activities and improve your social connections. An intelligent method to unwind before night and obtain better sleep is to engage in evening activities away from devices.

Choose a Charity

Choose a charity to support this year. Then, we can let go of our desires and concentrate on the needs of less fortunate people.

Example - Each family member might choose a piece of clothing to donate to a local clothing closet or church.

Do a Lenten Puzzle

You can pick from a beautiful selection of puzzles with a Lenten/Easter theme. A table area that won't be disturbed should be set up so that family members can work on the puzzle at a set time each night and whenever they feel like it.

Do Not Speak Negatively

To pass the day without uttering anything unfavourable is the family's struggle. Every time they notice they are about to say something unpleasant, they will stop themselves and come up with a compliment.

Have a Day of Gratitude

An appreciation ritual will help you find your inner flame. It will help you evolve into the person you were meant to be through the alchemical process. Every family member will spend the day giving thanks for their blessings.

Setting up a Lenten calendar will be helped by these activities. So bring your family together and prepare to enjoy this beautiful time of religion together.