All about the Angels

All about the Angels

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel

The Angels: In Catholic Teaching and Tradition


The author compiles in this little book nearly everything that is known with certainty about the angels.

Product Code

Father Pascal Parente compiles in this little book nearly everything that is known with certainty about the angels. Drawing heavily from Tradition and Doctors and Fathers of the Church, Parente explains the angels' creation, intelligence, free will, language, powers, movements, number, and particular duties. He also relates the history of devotion to the holy angels and discloses such little-known facts as that there are guardian angels not only of individuals, but also of churches, dioceses, and nations!

In a world that is increasingly curious about spiritual beings and at the same time skeptical about the existence and power of those beings, The Angels: In Catholic Teaching and Tradition is a crucial tool for distinguishing the true from the false and the known from the unknown. It is a sure guide through the unseen and holy world of the angelic spirits—a book that truly instructs and inspires us to live in the presence of the Holy Angels!

Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9780895555151
Dimensions 213 x 140 x 10
Printed Pages 189
Format Paperback
Publisher Tan Books & Publishers Inc.
Author Parente, Pascal P.