The Book of Psalms and Canticles

The Book of Psalms and Canticles

Book of the Gospels

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Approved ritual book for use in the Roman Catholic Mass in the dioceses of England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland. A beautiful enhancement to demonstrate the importance and power of Christ's words in our celebrations. NB. The Congregation for Divine Worship would not give permission for Jerusalem lectionaries to be reprinted with the revised 2010 dialogue prayers, so the dialogue after the Gospel is:This is the Gospel of the Lord. The General Introduction to the Roman Missal [Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship] makes provision for the use of a Book of the Gospels which may be carried in the entrance procession and used to proclaim the Gospel enhancing the importance of this element of the Mass (see #120 & #133). As The General Introduction to the Lectionary [Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship] states: "Of all the rites connected with the liturgy of the word, the reverence due to the Gospel reading must receive special attention. Where there is an Evangeliary or Book of Gospels that has been carried in by the deacon or reader during the entry procession, it is most fitting that the deacon or a priest, when there is no deacon, take the book from the altar and carry it to the ambo. He is preceded by servers with candles and incense or other symbols of reverence that may be customary. As the faithful stand and acclaim the Lord, they show honour to the Book of Gospels."(#17)
Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9780860123996
Dimensions 34.7 x 24.2 cm
Printed Pages 672
Format Hardback
Year Of Publication 2005
Publisher Continuum
Author The Vatican