Birthday Blessings Masculine 2 Designs 533016

Birthday Blessings Masculine 2 Designs 533016

A Prayer on Your Birthday 531301

A Prayer on Your Birthday 531301

Card - Birthday Mass Bouquet 528497


See "Additional Information" Tab for product code and size

Product Code
528497 / CBC22260

Parchment Card with Insert

Singly Cello Wrapped

Gold Foil Embossed

Inside Text: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. May God bless you on this day and days to follow with Peace and Happiness. Happy Birthday
Text opposite picture:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Will be offered for you on your Birthday. With Best Wishes
From:...................... Rev:..................... AS YOU CELEBRATE ANOTHER YEAR MAY GOD GRANT YOU HIS PEACE AND BLESSINGS

Additional Information
Dimensions 17.5 x 12 cm