An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought

An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought

The Realm: An Unfashionable Essay on the Conversion of England

The Realm: An Unfashionable Essay on the Conversion of England

Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science and Social Policy

This encyclopedia is a comprehensive introduction to Catholic social thought. The work combines three levels of analysis: (1) broad-ranging theoretical work on key topics and scholarly disciplines, (2) social science perspectives on a wide range of topics relating to human nature and society, and (3) treatment of policy issues.
Product Code
With more than 800 topics from over 300 contributors, Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy is a comprehensive introduction to the Catholic vision of society, social relations, and the human being. It combines theoretical work on important topics and scholarly disciplines (e.g., economics, moral theology, natural law, philosophy, psychology); social science perspectives on a variety of topics (e.g., alcoholism and drug abuse, forgiveness and mercy, globalization); and treatment of practical policy implications that flow from applying the Catholic religious, moral, and intellectual tradition to contemporary issues (e.g., abortion, assisted suicide, immigration policy, school choice, torture). The book reflects a broad range of Catholic thought that is international in scope, but with an emphasis on the American situation. Its interdisciplinary approach offers insights from a variety of perspectives: theological, philosophical, historical, economical, sociological, political, psychological, and legal. The work will appeal to individuals who want a clear and accurate introduction to Catholic social thought and a Catholic-informed social science and social policy. One certainly need not be a devotee and advocate for Catholic social thinking to find this encyclopedia of good use as a handy reference tool.
Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9780810859067
Dimensions 288 x 225 x 71
Printed Pages 1192
Format Hardback
Year Of Publication 28/6/2007
Publisher Scarecrow Press
Author Coulter, Michael L.