Revised New Jerusalem Bible Reader's Edition - Night

Revised New Jerusalem Bible Reader's Edition - Night

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What Are They Teaching The Children?

Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual Excercises and Selected Works

This volume includes Ignatius' (1491-1556) complete Autobiography, complete Spiritual Exercises, selections from the Constitution of the Society of Jesus and some of Ignatius' nearly seven thousand letters
Product Code
This volume presents his four major writings: the Autobiography and Spiritual Exercises in their entirety, and his Spiritual Diary and Constitutions of the Society of Jesus in selections so chosen as to give an overview of each work. It also offers ten samples of his almost 7,000 letters. Ample explanations are given in the introductions and commentaries by way of notes. The General Introduction is an intellectual and spiritual biography that sketches the fascinating steps by which, largely through mystical favors from God, Ignatius reached his inspiring worldview, with everything in it ordered to the greater glory of God. In his Exercises we find a synthesis of his chief spiritual principles, and in his Constitutions an example of his organizational ability. The Autobiography tells of his mystical illuminations and gifts, and the Spiritual Diary lets us peer deeply into his heart in his most intimate dealings with God. His writing reveals many facets of the warm personality of this influential saint
Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9780809132164
Dimensions 15 x 23 cm
Printed Pages 503
Format Paperback
Year Of Publication 1995
Publisher Paulist Press
Author Edited by George E. Ganss, S.J. with the collaboration of Parmananda R. Divarkar, S.J., Edward J. Malatesta, S.J., and Martin E. Palmer, S.J. preface by John W. Padberg, S.J.

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