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Questioning God

Many today may see the relationship between God and humanity as one of passive submission and thus unquestioning. Two outstanding Dominicans, Timothy Radcliffe and Lukasz Popko. suggest otherwise.
Product Code

Questioning God explores Biblical conversations with God and there is no genuine conversation without true questions. Our God question us, from the first conversation of God and humanity in the Bible, where God asks Adam, 'Where are you?', to the Risen Lord's questioning Peter on the beach: 'Do you love me more than these others?' But humanity questions God too, as in the audacious questioning of Jesus by the Samaritan woman at the well. In this process of mutual questioning, humanity is drawn ever deeper into the life of God, the eternal conversation of the Trinity. Insights into these transformative conversations are helpful as the Church questions how to be faithful to God in this uncertain time.

Fr Popko offers a fresh translation and insights of Biblical scholarship, and Fr Radcliffe extends his rich experience as a preacher, theologian, and an inspiring commentator.

Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9781399409254
Dimensions 23.4cm x 15.3cm
Year Of Publication 2023
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing
Author Timothy Radcliffe & Lukasz Popko