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Two Faces of Laziness


This book is not about laziness in its classic or traditional form, but in its wider sense. Monks used the word acedia, or 'inner disintegration', which can manifest itself in indolence and inactivity in one person, or frantic activity, a total lack of focus, and fragmentation of the inner energy of the heart in another. The word applies, therefore, not only to those who do too little - or nothing at all - but also to those who do too much, driven along by anything but the spirit of God.

Product Code

This book is not about laziness in its classic or traditional form, but in its wider sense. Monks used the word acedia, or 'inner disintegration', which can manifest itself in indolence and inactivity in one person, or frantic activity, a total lack of focus, and fragmentation of the inner energy of the heart in another. The word applies, therefore, not only to those who do too little - or nothing at all - but also to those who do too much, driven along by anything but the spirit of God.

Dr Katerina Lachmanova THD, born in 1964, works in the field of pastoral-psychological consultancy. She lectures at the theological faculty in Prague and at various conferences, and also leads spiritual retreats. She is the author of a wide range of very sucessful publications in the field of Christian spirituality which were published in various languages: The Prison with a Key Inside, On Mercy, The Lay Spirituality of Madeleine Delbrel, Theresa of Lisieux and Silouan of Mount Athos, The Power of Intercessory Prayer, The Anchor of Hope and The Caricatures of God.

Additional Information
Isbn / Product Code 9780854398973
Dimensions 13 x 21 cm
Printed Pages 160
Format Paperback
Year Of Publication 2015
Publisher St Pauls Publishing
Author Katerina Lachmanova